Multi-taskers Anonymous…

~ the bane of being too mindful

Photo: Erynne Elkins © 2017

Hi, my name is Erynne and I’m a multi-tasker.  Cue preoccupied readers (in unison), “What? Oh, yeah, hey.”  Does this sound familiar?  Be present. Be mindful.  Be here now. Be in the moment.  These are all valid, life improving concepts.  I recently realized, however, just how challenging they can be given the accelerated times we’re living in now.

Case in point #1: I have a tendency to check my emails, social media accounts along with sending the occasional text while using the bathroom.  TMI, I know (sorry, not really).  I figure why not?  I’m in a stationary spot, might as well accomplish a few things at once.  Case in point #2: I often read a newspaper or magazine while eating breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner.  It’s not like eating a meal interferes with me staying current.  Case in point #3: My friend and I are having a lovely lunch at a neighborhood restaurant.  Great conversation, amazing food, stunning ambiance and mid-sentence as my friend elaborates on something, I hop on my smart phone because I have to look through the pictures we took minutes ago so I can pick the best one to share on Twitter.  Since when did online communication override the gift of talking to someone face to face in person?

In all of those instances I came to the conclusion that while I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I learned I could do better by trying to concentrate on one thing at a time.  It’s good to step back and ask myself why am I so busy?  And better yet, how can I manage my time better so I can eat a meal, connect with a friend in person, and even use the loo by fully being present in that moment?  Yes, I’ve got a lot on my plate.  I’m sure you’ve got a lot on your plate too.  We all have a lot on our plates.  But damn… sometimes it’s best to simply nosh on one thing at a time because if we don’t, it all becomes one big blur.  Namaste y’all…