I Don’t Have Any Kids

~ the unmitigated audacity

Picture: Stock Photo, GoDaddy

First off, I’m post-menopausal.  Second, I have no intentions of adopting. Now, don’t get it twisted.  I love children.  I think they are some of the most precious human beings on the planet.  It is nothing shy of a divine gift to be able to spend time with them, teach them, mentor them, etc. And there were a few times in my life, when I created emotional space for having them with men I deeply cared for.  Check out my post on free will.  But life goes on and time waits for no one.  Then menopause arrives.  I remember it vividly.  I actually grieved over not having my period anymore.  Hah!  Tell that to my 13-year-old self.

Then I pushed through it and came to embrace and appreciate a lovely new phase in my life that won’t involve me raising my own child…ever. Last week, a really sweet woman asked me if I was worried about who will take care of me when I get old.  My immediate thought?  Retirement home.  But until then, I’m good.  I really am.  I have an active, satisfying life on so many levels.  And there isn’t a “void” because I don’t have a son or daughter.

Like my Grandmother told me when I was in high school.  “Miss America, I don’t want to ever hear you say ‘I just want somebody to love me. Somebody who looks like me.’ I have three words for you: get a dog.” Gotta love grandmothers.  And you also gotta love yourself.  So, cheers to all the BEAUTIFUL women out there who don’t have any kids as well. Namaste y’all…