It’s Pretty…Uncomfortable

DigitalHippy70 Blog Pic

~ which is why it had to go

Photo: Erynne Elkins © 2016

Last Christmas I received a holiday bonus.  After seeing a commercial of a married couple comically disagreeing on the correct pronunciation of a chaise, I decided I wanted one.  I mean, is that not a lovely piece of furniture a woman adds to her décor?  Exactly.  I combed the internet and found "the one".  It was velvet-like, cream colored, and oh so elegant.  I set the intention to lounge on my chaise whenever I could.

It arrived, I assembled it, and it was really, really pretty and...  It wasn't comfortable.  To sit on, to fall asleep on (my neck), and it looked ridiculous when more than one person sat on it.  But it was so pretty, and expensive, and it was a chaise.  My first one ever.  So I went to denial town and stayed there for the duration of my lease.

Then I moved into my new place.  And one day, after some rearranging, I was honest with myself.  Why was I maintaining space for something that didn't support me feeling good?  I went online, again, and this time made arrangements for The Salvation Army to pick it up.  They were grateful, I was relieved, and my apartment now has an open space for something that will serve me better.  Will I get another chaise?  A plush couch?  I don't know.  And that's okay.  That's the beauty of letting go.

What have you held onto in your life that "looked" nice but was uncomfortable?  Do tell.  Just gimme a second while I grab a seat...somewhere.