
~ one size does not fit all

Picture: Stock Photo, GoDaddy

There are a handful of words circulating in the air these days that may need a timeout. Perhaps the folks blurting these descriptions out should step back and ask themselves why they feel that way.  My friend and I went to the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) last month.  She’s a talented sculptor and, like me, has an appreciation of many things artistic.  While we were walking the grounds and enjoying all of the art, she asked a very profound question as we approached each piece, ‘What do you see when you look at that?’.  The genius of it was not only did we have different assessments on some pieces, it allowed us to see how someone else could have a different take on something.

It made me recall a great episode of Modern Family from Season 1, where Claire meets up with a former colleague.  She spits out the word ‘crazy‘ in such a rapid, hilarious way as the two are catching up.  Then I realized what was actually going on.  It’s something we’ve all done.  And it lends itself to an important question when we use our words.  Am I telling the truth or am I projecting my bias or the bias of others about someone onto someone else or, even worse, onto myself?

We can’t micromanage how others choose to perceive/identify an experience they’re having. We can, however, learn, observe, and make a mindful decision to use our words accurately, honestly, and positively. Namaste y’all…