When the shift hits the fan…

~ relax. It’s confirmation you know how to keep it clean

Picture: Stock Photo, GoDaddy

Want things to change in your life?  Need energy to go in a different direction?  Crave some clarity?  Do a deep clean of your home, apartment, office space, car, garage, etc.  And TRUST that things will move.  Whether that means moving in, moving out, moving on, or moving up, know this… Stuff. Is. In. Motion.  I had my first experience of this fresh phenomenon while living in North Carolina.  I was cleaning my dining room table chairs and *Bing!*, the Universe gave me invaluable insight into an annoying situation.

Have you ever shaken out a rug?  There’s dust flying everywhere, making it difficult to see clearly or sometimes even breathe.  Or what about when you sweep your porch?  If you take a mental before and after snapshot, you’ll notice it looks different. In a good way.  It’s brighter.  Charming textures or subtle indentations where the sun radiates more vividly stand out.  Believe it or not, those physical acts of housekeeping directly impact you on a metaphysical level as well.  Pshaw, you say?  Grab a bucket and a mop and give it a whirl.

And if keeping it clean isn’t your thang, then get still and be quiet.  Don’t say nuthin’.  And wait for that stellar download.  It will render you speechless.  Namaste y’all…