~ what #StayWoke means to me
Photo: Augusta Sagnelli, © 2017
So that’s me pictured there in Utkatasana (aka Chair Pose). Yes, I am smiling but know this: that pose is hard. It’s a position that makes muscles you didn’t know you have shake and quiver with justified fervor. I look joyful because Baye, our exuberant yoga instructor, is telling all of us she’s aware how challenging this pose is as she continues to keep us there. She made me laugh. Baye is also preparing us to audibly recognize our struggle in pushing through with a loud, deliberate, and collective ‘Woooooo!’ shortly after she says ‘Utkatasana’.
I attended ESSENCE Festival for the first time this year and I LOVED IT! #StayWoke being a prevalent theme. I got to see and hear firsthand numerous African-American Luminaries from various industries share what #StayWoke meant to them. Educating oneself, being alert in ALL circumstances, discerning the actions of others, necessary and consistent activism, engaging with one’s community, self-awareness, self-love, etc. It was so empowering to learn how the #StayWoke movement is impacting so many peoples’ lives. It’s been said frequently in yoga circles that how you show up on your mat directly translates into how you show up for yourself in your day to day life. I wholeheartedly agree. When I am on my mat, I am PRESENT to what is so for me.
What does #StayWoke mean to me? (1) Being ALERT at all times to the best of my ability. (2) REFLECT. Lately I’ve been reviewing a few conversations I’ve had with folks and if I’m keeping it 100 I can see how someone else may have interpreted the things I’ve said in a different way. (3) LISTEN. And not just with my ears, but listening with my mind, heart, soul, spirit, and body. Each letting me know if something isn’t right. (4) THINK before I do anything. It’s only when I #StayWoke do I navigate through these dynamic times successfully. (5) PUSHING THROUGH. Being able to smile/grit my teeth (inwardly and outwardly) no matter the circumstances as I CONTINUE TO MOVE FORWARD. Woooooo! Namaste y’all…